Join us in El poder de contarlo (The Power to Tell). Let's break the silence!

¡Acompañanos a romper el silencio y a creerle a l@s sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y sexual!

Join us in El poder de contarlo (The Power to Tell). Let's break the silence! image


raised towards $8,000 goal




¡Acompañanos a romper el silencio y a creerle a l@s sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y sexual!

Help break the silence and support survivors through a gift.

Let's make a commitment to not keep silent about violence and empower each other to speak up. The change we want to create in our comunidad begins by talking about it and believing survivors.

M.i.A. listens and believes survivors when they share their truths and seek help. We support them in their journey towards sanidad y empoderamiento. Last year, we impacted more than 139 people, including children, in our comunidad. A small monthly gift will support Latinx survivors and encourage M.i.A. staff to continue this important work towards a world free of violence.

Una donación mensual apoyará a sobrevivientes y nos ayudará a crear mas conciencia para eliminar la violencia familiar que tanto agobia a nuestra sociedad.

Other ways to give. Puedes apoyar de otras maneras:

Donate by Mail

Please make all checks payable to MiA - Mujeres in Action and mail it to 318 E Rowan Ave., Ste 208, Spokane, WA 99207.